"""Module realize hight level api for estimate face attributes
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Dict
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.face_descriptor import FaceDescriptor
from lunavl.sdk.faceengine.setting_provider import DetectorType
from numpy.ma import array
from FaceEngine import Image as CoreImage # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import Face # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from lunavl.sdk.estimator_collections import FaceEstimatorsCollection
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.basic_attributes import BasicAttributes
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.emotions import Emotions
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.eyes import EyesEstimation, GazeEstimation
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.head_pose import HeadPose
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.mouth_state import MouthStates
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.warp_quality import Quality
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.warper import Warp, WarpedImage
from lunavl.sdk.faceengine.engine import VLFaceEngine
from lunavl.sdk.faceengine.facedetector import FaceDetection, ImageForDetection, Landmarks68, FaceDetector
from lunavl.sdk.image_utils.geometry import Rect
from lunavl.sdk.image_utils.image import VLImage
[docs]class VLFaceDetection(FaceDetection):
High level detection object.
estimatorCollection (FaceEstimatorsCollection): collection of estimators
_emotions (Optional[Emotions]): lazy load emotions estimations
_eyes (Optional[EyesEstimation]): lazy load eye estimations
_mouthState (Optional[MouthStates]): lazy load mouth state estimation
_basicAttributes (Optional[BasicAttributes]): lazy load basic attribute estimation
_gaze (Optional[GazeEstimation]): lazy load gaze direction estimation
_warpQuality (Optional[Quality]): lazy load warp quality estimation
_headPose (Optional[HeadPose]): lazy load head pose estimation
_ags (Optional[float]): lazy load ags estimation
_transformedLandmarks68 (Optional[Landmarks68]): lazy load transformed landmarks68
__slots__ = ("_warp", "_emotions", "_eyes", "_mouthState", "_basicAttributes",
"_gaze", "_warpQuality", "_headPose", "estimatorCollection", "_transformedLandmarks68", "_ags",
def __init__(self, coreDetection: Face, image: VLImage, estimatorCollection: FaceEstimatorsCollection):
coreDetection: core detection
super().__init__(coreDetection, image)
self._emotions: Optional[Emotions] = None
self._eyes: Optional[EyesEstimation] = None
self._warp: Optional[Warp] = None
self._mouthState: Optional[MouthStates] = None
self._basicAttributes: Optional[BasicAttributes] = None
self._gaze: Optional[GazeEstimation] = None
self._warpQuality: Optional[Quality] = None
self._headPose: Optional[HeadPose] = None
self._transformedLandmarks68: Optional[Landmarks68] = None
self._ags = None
self._descriptor = None
self.estimatorCollection = estimatorCollection
def warp(self) -> Warp:
Get warp from detection.
if self._warp is None:
self._warp = self.estimatorCollection.warper.warp(self)
return self._warp
def headPose(self) -> HeadPose:
Get a head pose of the detection. Estimation bases on 68 landmarks
head pose
if self._headPose is None:
# todo: wtf, need gotten landmarks
self._headPose = self.estimatorCollection.headPoseEstimator.estimate(self.landmarks68)
return self._headPose
def mouthState(self) -> MouthStates:
Get a mouth state of the detection
mouth state
if self._mouthState is None:
self._mouthState = self.estimatorCollection.mouthStateEstimator.estimate(self.warp)
return self._mouthState
def emotions(self) -> Emotions:
Get emotions of the detection.
if self._emotions is None:
self._emotions = self.estimatorCollection.emotionsEstimator.estimate(self.warp)
return self._emotions
def ags(self) -> float:
Get ags of the detection.
if self._ags is None:
self._ags = self.estimatorCollection.AGSEstimator.estimate(self)
return self._ags
def basicAttributes(self) -> BasicAttributes:
Get all basic attributes of the detection.
basic attributes (age, gender, ethnicity)
if self._basicAttributes is None:
self._basicAttributes = self.estimatorCollection.basicAttributesEstimator.estimate(self.warp,
return self._basicAttributes
def warpQuality(self) -> Quality:
Get quality of warped image which corresponding the detection
if self._warpQuality is None:
self._warpQuality = self.estimatorCollection.warpQualityEstimator.estimate(self.warp)
return self._warpQuality
def descriptor(self) -> FaceDescriptor:
Get a face descriptor from warp
mouth state
if self._descriptor is None:
self._descriptor = VLWarpedImage.estimatorsCollection.descriptorEstimator.estimate(self.warp)
return self._descriptor
def eyes(self) -> EyesEstimation:
Get eyes estimation of the detection.
eyes estimation
if self._eyes is None:
if self._transformedLandmarks68 is None:
self._transformedLandmarks68 = self.estimatorCollection.warper. \
makeWarpTransformationWithLandmarks(self, "L68")
self._eyes = self.estimatorCollection.eyeEstimator.estimate(self._transformedLandmarks68, self.warp)
return self._eyes
def gaze(self) -> GazeEstimation:
Get gaze direction.
gaze direction
if self._gaze is None:
self._gaze = self.estimatorCollection.gazeDirectionEstimator.estimate(self.headPose, self.eyes)
return self._gaze
[docs] def asDict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[dict, list, float]]:
Convert to dict.
All estimated attributes will be added to dict
res = {"rect": self.boundingBox.rect.asDict()}
if self._warpQuality is not None:
res["quality"] = self.warpQuality.asDict()
if self.landmarks5 is not None:
res["landmarks5"] = self.landmarks5.asDict()
if self.landmarks68 is not None:
res["landmarks68"] = self.landmarks68.asDict()
attributes = {}
if self._emotions is not None:
attributes["emotions"] = self._emotions.asDict()
if self._eyes is not None:
attributes["eyes_attributes"] = self._eyes.asDict()
if self._mouthState is not None:
attributes["mouth_attributes"] = self._mouthState.asDict()
if self._headPose is not None:
attributes["head_pose"] = self._headPose.asDict()
if self._gaze is not None:
attributes["gaze"] = self._gaze.asDict()
if self._basicAttributes is not None:
attributes["basic_attributes"] = self._basicAttributes.asDict()
res["attributes"] = attributes
return res
[docs]class VLFaceDetector:
High level face detector. Return *VLFaceDetection* instead simple *FaceDetection*.
estimatorCollection (FaceEstimatorsCollection): face estimator collections for new detections.
_faceDetector (FaceDetector): face detector
faceEngine (VLFaceEngine): face engine for detector and estimators, default *FACE_ENGINE*.
#: a global instance of FaceEngine for usual creating detectors
faceEngine: VLFaceEngine = VLFaceEngine()
#: estimators collection of class for usual creating detectors
estimatorsCollection: FaceEstimatorsCollection = FaceEstimatorsCollection(faceEngine=faceEngine)
def __init__(self, detectorType: DetectorType = DetectorType.FACE_DET_DEFAULT,
faceEngine: Optional[VLFaceEngine] = None):
detectorType: detector type
faceEngine: face engine for detector and estimators
if faceEngine is not None:
self.faceEngine = faceEngine
self.estimatorsCollection = FaceEstimatorsCollection(faceEngine=self.faceEngine)
self._faceDetector: FaceDetector = self.faceEngine.createFaceDetector(detectorType)
[docs] def detectOne(self, image: VLImage, detectArea: Optional[Rect[float]] = None) -> Union[None, VLFaceDetection]:
Detect just one best detection on the image.
image: image. Format must be R8G8B8 (todo check)
detectArea: rectangle area which contains face to detect. If not set will be set image.rect
face detection if face is found otherwise None
detectRes = self._faceDetector.detectOne(image, detectArea, True, True)
if detectRes is None:
return None
return VLFaceDetection(detectRes.coreEstimation, detectRes.image, self.estimatorsCollection)
[docs] def detect(self, images: List[Union[VLImage, ImageForDetection]], limit: int = 5) -> List[List[VLFaceDetection]]:
Batch detect faces on images.
images: input images list. Format must be R8G8B8
limit: max number of detections per input image
return list of lists detection, order of detection lists is corresponding to order input images
detectRes = self._faceDetector.detect(images, limit, True, True)
res = []
for imageNumber, image in enumerate(images):
res.append([VLFaceDetection(detectRes.coreEstimation, image, self.estimatorsCollection) for detectRes in
return res
[docs]class VLWarpedImage(WarpedImage):
High level sample object.
_emotions (Optional[Emotions]): lazy load emotions estimations
_mouthState (Optional[MouthStates]): lazy load mouth state estimation
_basicAttributes (Optional[BasicAttributes]): lazy load basic attribute estimation
_warpQuality (Optional[Quality]): lazy load warp quality estimation
__slots__ = ("_emotions", "_mouthState", "_basicAttributes", "_warpQuality", "_descriptor")
def __init__(self, body: Union[bytes, array, CoreImage], filename: str = "", vlImage: Optional[VLImage] = None):
super().__init__(body, filename, vlImage)
self._emotions: Optional[Emotions] = None
self._eyes: Optional[EyesEstimation] = None
self._mouthState: Optional[MouthStates] = None
self._basicAttributes: Optional[BasicAttributes] = None
self._warpQuality: Optional[Quality] = None
self._descriptor: Optional[FaceDescriptor] = None
#: estimators collection of class for usual creating detectors
estimatorsCollection: FaceEstimatorsCollection = FaceEstimatorsCollection(faceEngine=VLFaceEngine())
def mouthState(self) -> MouthStates:
Get a mouth state of the detection
mouth state
if self._mouthState is None:
self._mouthState = VLWarpedImage.estimatorsCollection.mouthStateEstimator.estimate(self)
return self._mouthState
def descriptor(self) -> FaceDescriptor:
Get a face descriptor from warp
mouth state
if self._descriptor is None:
self._descriptor = VLWarpedImage.estimatorsCollection.descriptorEstimator.estimate(self)
return self._descriptor
def emotions(self) -> Emotions:
Get emotions of the detection.
if self._emotions is None:
self._emotions = VLWarpedImage.estimatorsCollection.emotionsEstimator.estimate(self)
return self._emotions
def basicAttributes(self) -> BasicAttributes:
Get all basic attributes of the detection.
basic attributes (age, gender, ethnicity)
if self._basicAttributes is None:
estimator = VLWarpedImage.estimatorsCollection.basicAttributesEstimator
self._basicAttributes = estimator.estimate(self, estimateAge=True, estimateEthnicity=True,
return self._basicAttributes
def warpQuality(self) -> Quality:
Get quality of warped image which corresponding the detection
if self._warpQuality is None:
self._warpQuality = VLWarpedImage.estimatorsCollection.warpQualityEstimator.estimate(self)
return self._warpQuality
[docs] def asDict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[dict, list, float]]:
Convert to dict.
All estimated attributes will be added to dict
res = {}
if self._warpQuality is not None:
res["quality"] = self.warpQuality.asDict()
attributes = {}
if self._emotions is not None:
attributes["emotions"] = self._emotions.asDict()
if self._eyes is not None:
attributes["eyes_attributes"] = self._eyes.asDict()
if self._mouthState is not None:
attributes["mouth_attributes"] = self._mouthState.asDict()
if self._basicAttributes is not None:
attributes["basic_attributes"] = self._basicAttributes.asDict()
res["attributes"] = attributes
return res
def warp(self) -> Warp:
Support VLFaceDetection interface.
return self