Source code for lunavl.sdk.faceengine.setting_provider

SDK configuration module.
import os
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, Any

import FaceEngine as CoreFE
from FaceEngine import ObjectDetectorClassType, PyISettingsProvider  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401

[docs]class BiDirectionEnum(Enum): """ Bi direction enum. """ @classmethod def getEnum(cls, enumValue) -> 'BiDirectionEnum': """ Get enum by value. Args: enumValue: value Returns: element of the enum with value which is equal to the enumValue. Raises: KeyError: if element not found. """ for enumMember in cls: if enumMember.value == enumValue: return enumMember raise KeyError("Enum {} does not contain member with value {}".format(cls.__name__, enumValue))
[docs]class CpuClass(Enum): """Class of cpu by supported instructions""" auto = "auto" sse4 = "sse4" avx = "avx" avx2 = "avx2" arm = "arm"
[docs]class VerboseLogging(BiDirectionEnum): """ Level of log versobing enum """ error = 0 warnings = 1 info = 2 debug = 3
[docs]class DeviceClass(Enum): """ Device enum """ cpu = "cpu" gpu = "gpu"
[docs]class Distance(BiDirectionEnum): """ Descriptor distance type enum. """ l1 = "L1" l2 = "L2"
[docs]class NMS(Enum): """ NMS type enum. """ mean = "mean" best = "best"
[docs]class Point4: """ Point in 4-dimensional space. Attributes: x (float): x coordinate y (float): y coordinate z (float): z coordinate w (float): w coordinate """ def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float, w: float): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.w = w
[docs] def asTuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """ Convert point to tuple. Returns: tuple from coordinate """ return self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w
[docs]class Point3: """ Point in 3-dimensional space. Attributes: x (float): x coordinate y (float): y coordinate z (float): z coordinate """ def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z
[docs] def asTuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ Convert point to tuple. Returns: tuple from coordinate """ return self.x, self.y, self.z
[docs]class Point2: """ Point in 2-dimensional space. Attributes: x (float): x coordinate y (float): y coordinate """ def __init__(self, x: float, y: float): self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] def asTuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Convert point to tuple. Returns: tuple from coordinate """ return self.x, self.y
[docs]class DetectorType(Enum): """ Detector types enum """ FACE_DET_DEFAULT = "Default" FACE_DET_V1 = "FaceDetV1" #: todo description FACE_DET_V2 = "FaceDetV2" FACE_DET_V3 = "FaceDetV3" @property def coreDetectorType(self) -> ObjectDetectorClassType: """ Convert self to core detector type Returns: ObjectDetectorClassType """ mapEnumToCoreEnum = {"Default": "FACE_DET_DEFAULT", "FaceDetV1": "FACE_DET_V1", "FaceDetV2": "FACE_DET_V2", "FaceDetV3": "FACE_DET_V3"} return getattr(ObjectDetectorClassType, mapEnumToCoreEnum[self.value])
[docs]class BaseSettingsSection: """ Base class for a section of settings. Proxy model to core settings provider. Attributes: _coreSettingProvider (coreSettingProvider): core settings provider """ # (str): section name sectionName: str def __init__(self, coreSettingProvider: PyISettingsProvider): self._coreSettingProvider = coreSettingProvider
[docs] def setValue(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Set a value Args: name: setting name value: new value """ self._coreSettingProvider.setValue(self.__class__.sectionName, name, CoreFE.SettingsProviderValue(value))
[docs] def getValue(self, name: str) -> Any: """ Get setting value Args: name: setting name Returns: a value """ return self._coreSettingProvider.getValue(self.__class__.sectionName, name)
[docs] def getValueAsString(self, name: str) -> str: """ Get setting value as string Args: name: setting name Returns: a string """ return self.getValue(name).asString()
[docs] def getValueAsInt(self, name: str) -> int: """ Get setting value as int Args: name: setting name Returns: a int """ return self.getValue(name).asInt()
[docs] def getValueAsFloat(self, name: str) -> float: """ Get setting value as float Args: name: setting name Returns: a float """ return self.getValue(name).asFloat()
[docs]class SystemSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Common system settings. Properties: - cpuClass (CpuClass): class of cpu by supported instructions - verboseLogging (VerboseLogging): Level of log versobing - betaMode (bool): enable experimental features. - defaultDetectorType (DetectorType): default detector type """ sectionName = "system" @property def cpuClass(self) -> CpuClass: """ Getter for cpuClass Returns: cpuClass """ return CpuClass[self.getValueAsString("cpuClass")] @cpuClass.setter def cpuClass(self, value: CpuClass) -> None: """ Setter for cpuClass. Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("cpuClass", value.value) @property def verboseLogging(self) -> VerboseLogging: """ Getter for verboseLogging Returns: verboseLogging """ return VerboseLogging.getEnum(self.getValueAsInt("verboseLogging")) @verboseLogging.setter def verboseLogging(self, value: VerboseLogging) -> None: """ Setter for cpuClass. Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("verboseLogging", value.value) @property def betaMode(self) -> bool: """ Getter for betaMode Returns: betaMode """ return bool(self.getValueAsInt("betaMode")) @betaMode.setter def betaMode(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for betaMode Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("betaMode", int(value)) @property def defaultDetectorType(self) -> DetectorType: """ Getter for defaultDetectorType Returns: betaMode """ return DetectorType[self.getValueAsString("defaultDetectorType")] @defaultDetectorType.setter def defaultDetectorType(self, value: DetectorType) -> None: """ Setter for defaultDetectorType Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("defaultDetectorType", value.value)
[docs]class FlowerSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Flower library is the default neural network inference engine. The library is used for: - face detectors; - estimators(attributes, quality); - face descriptors Properties: deviceClass (DeviceClass): execution device type cpu, gpu. numThreads (int): number of worker threads. verboseLogging (VerboseLogging): level of verbose logging numComputeStreams (int): increases performance, but works only with new versions of nvidia drivers """ sectionName = "flower" @property def deviceClass(self) -> DeviceClass: return DeviceClass[self.getValueAsString("deviceClass")] @deviceClass.setter def deviceClass(self, value: DeviceClass) -> None: """ Setter for deviceClass Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("deviceClass", value.value) @property def numThreads(self) -> int: """ Getter for numThreads Returns: numThreads """ return self.getValueAsInt("numThreads") @numThreads.setter def numThreads(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for numThreads Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("numThreads", value) @property def verboseLogging(self) -> VerboseLogging: """ Getter for verboseLogging Returns: verboseLogging """ return VerboseLogging.getEnum(self.getValueAsInt("verboseLogging")) @verboseLogging.setter def verboseLogging(self, value: VerboseLogging) -> None: """ Setter for verboseLogging Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("verboseLogging", value.value) @property def numComputeStreams(self) -> int: """ Getter for numComputeStreams Returns: numComputeStreams """ return self.getValueAsInt("numComputeStreams") @numComputeStreams.setter def numComputeStreams(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for numComputeStreams Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("numComputeStreams", value)
[docs]class DescriptorFactorySettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Descriptor factory settings. Properties: - model (int): CNN face descriptor version. - UseMobileNet (bool): mobile Net is faster but less accurate - distance (Distance): distance between descriptors on matching. L1 faster,L2 make better precision. - descriptorCountWarningLevel (float): Threshold,that limits the ratio of created descriptors to the amount, defined by your liscence. Warning Level When the threshold is exceeded, FSDK prints the warning. """ sectionName = "DescriptorFactory::Settings" @property def model(self) -> int: """ Getter for model Returns: model """ return self.getValueAsInt("model") @model.setter def model(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for model Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("model", value) @property def useMobileNet(self) -> bool: """ Getter for useMobileNet Returns: useMobileNet """ return bool(self.getValueAsInt("useMobileNet")) @useMobileNet.setter def useMobileNet(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for useMobileNet Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("useMobileNet", int(value)) @property def distance(self) -> Distance: """ Getter for distance Returns: distance """ return Distance.getEnum(self.getValueAsString("distance")) @distance.setter def distance(self, value: Distance) -> None: """ Setter for distance Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("distance", value.value) @property def descriptorCountWarningLevel(self) -> str: """ Getter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Returns: descriptorCountWarningLevel """ return self.getValueAsString("descriptorCountWarningLevel") @descriptorCountWarningLevel.setter def descriptorCountWarningLevel(self, value: str) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("descriptorCountWarningLevel", value)
[docs]class FaceDetV3Settings(BaseSettingsSection): """ FaceDetV3 detector settings. Properties: - scoreThreshold (float): detection threshold in [0..1] range; - redetectScoreThreshold (float): redetect face threshold in [0..1] range; - NMSThreshold (float): overlap threshold for NMS [0..1] range; - imageSize (int): Target image size for down scaling by load side; - nms (NMS): type of NMS: mean or best; - redetectTensorSize (int): target face after preprocessing for redetect; - redetectFaceTargetSize (int): target face size for redetect; - paddings (Point4): paddings; - paddingsIR (Point4): paddingsIR; - planPrefix (str): planPrefix; """ sectionName = "FaceDetV3::Settings" @property def scoreThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for scoreThreshold Returns: scoreThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("scoreThreshold") @scoreThreshold.setter def scoreThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("ScoreThreshold", value) @property def redetectScoreThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for redetectScoreThreshold Returns: redetectScoreThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("RedetectScoreThreshold") @redetectScoreThreshold.setter def redetectScoreThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for redetectScoreThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("RedetectScoreThreshold", value) @property def NMSThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for NMSThreshold Returns: NMSThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("NMSThreshold") @NMSThreshold.setter def NMSThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for NMSThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("NMSThreshold", value) @property def imageSize(self) -> int: """ Getter for imageSize Returns: imageSize """ return self.getValueAsInt("imageSize") @imageSize.setter def imageSize(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for imageSize Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("imageSize", value) @property def nms(self) -> NMS: """ Getter for nms Returns: nms """ return NMS[self.getValueAsString("nms")] @nms.setter def nms(self, value: NMS) -> None: """ Setter for nms Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("nms", value.value) @property def redetectTensorSize(self) -> int: """ Getter for redetectTensorSize Returns: redetectTensorSize """ return self.getValueAsInt("RedetectTensorSize") @redetectTensorSize.setter def redetectTensorSize(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for redetectTensorSize Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("RedetectTensorSize", value) @property def redetectFaceTargetSize(self) -> int: """ Getter for redetectFaceTargetSize Returns: redetectFaceTargetSize """ return self.getValueAsInt("RedetectFaceTargetSize") @redetectFaceTargetSize.setter def redetectFaceTargetSize(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for redetectFaceTargetSize Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("RedetectFaceTargetSize", value) @property def paddings(self) -> Point4: """ Getter for paddings Returns: paddings """ return Point4(*self.getValue("paddings")) @paddings.setter def paddings(self, value: Point4) -> None: """ Setter for paddings Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("paddings", value.asTuple()) @property def paddingsIR(self) -> Point4: """ Getter for paddingsIR Returns: paddingsIR """ return Point4(*self.getValue("paddingsIR")) @paddingsIR.setter def paddingsIR(self, value: Point4) -> None: """ Setter for paddingsIR Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("paddingsIR", value.asTuple()) @property def planPrefix(self) -> str: """ Getter for planPrefix Returns: planPrefix """ return self.getValueAsString("planPrefix") @planPrefix.setter def planPrefix(self, value: str) -> None: """ Setter for planPrefix Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("planPrefix", value)
[docs]class FaceDetV12Settings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Common class for FaceDetV1 and FaceDetV2 detector settings. Properties: - firstThreshold (float): 1-st threshold in [0..1] range; - secondThreshold (float): 2-st threshold in [0..1] range; - thirdTThreshold (float): 3-st threshold in [0..1] range; - minSize (int): minimum face size in pixels; - scaleFactor (float): image scale factor; - paddings (Point4): paddings; - redetectTolerance (float): redetect tolerance; """ @property def firstThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for firstThreshold Returns: float in [0..1] range """ return self.getValueAsFloat("FirstThreshold") @firstThreshold.setter def firstThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for firstThreshold Args: value: new value, float in [0..1] range """ self.setValue("FirstThreshold", value) @property def secondThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for secondThreshold Returns: secondThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("SecondThreshold") @secondThreshold.setter def secondThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for secondThreshold Args: value: new value, float in [0..1] range """ self.setValue("SecondThreshold", value) @property def thirdThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for thirdThreshold Returns: thirdThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("ThirdThreshold") @thirdThreshold.setter def thirdThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for thirdThreshold Args: value: new value, float in [0..1] range """ self.setValue("ThirdThreshold", value) @property def minSize(self) -> int: """ Getter for minSize Returns: minSize """ return self.getValueAsInt("minSize") @minSize.setter def minSize(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("minSize", value) @property def scaleFactor(self) -> float: """ Getter for scaleFactor Returns: scaleFactor """ return self.getValueAsFloat("scaleFactor") @scaleFactor.setter def scaleFactor(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("scaleFactor", value) @property def paddings(self) -> Point4: """ Getter for paddings Returns: paddings """ return Point4(*self.getValue("paddings")) @paddings.setter def paddings(self, value: Point4) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("paddings", value.asTuple()) @property def redetectTolerance(self) -> float: """ Getter for redetectTolerance Returns: redetectTolerance """ return self.getValueAsFloat("redetectTolerance") @redetectTolerance.setter def redetectTolerance(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("redetectTolerance", value)
[docs]class FaceDetV1Settings(FaceDetV12Settings): """ FaceDetV1 settings. """ sectionName = "FaceDetV1::Settings"
[docs]class FaceDetV2Settings(FaceDetV12Settings): """ FaceDetV2 settings. """ sectionName = "FaceDetV2::Settings"
[docs]class LNetBaseSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Base class for configuration LNet neural network. Properties: - planName (str): plan name - size (int): size - mean (Point3): mean - sigma (Point3): sigma """ @property def planName(self) -> str: """ Getter for planName Returns: planName """ return self.getValueAsString("planName") @planName.setter def planName(self, value: str) -> None: """ Setter for planName Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("planName", value) @property def size(self) -> int: """ Getter for size Returns: size """ return self.getValueAsInt("size") @size.setter def size(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for size Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("size", value) @property def mean(self) -> Point3: """ Getter for mean Returns: mean """ return Point3(*self.getValue("mean")) @mean.setter def mean(self, value: Point3) -> None: """ Setter for mean Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("mean", value.asTuple()) @property def sigma(self) -> Point3: """ Getter for sigma Returns: sigma """ return Point3(*self.getValue("sigma")) @sigma.setter def sigma(self, value: Point3) -> None: """ Setter for sigma Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("sigma", value.asTuple())
[docs]class LNetSettings(LNetBaseSettings): """LNet configuration section""" sectionName = "LNet::Settings"
[docs]class LNetIRSettings(LNetBaseSettings): """LNetIR configuration section""" sectionName = "LNetIR::Settings"
[docs]class SLNetSettings(LNetBaseSettings): """SLNet configuration section""" sectionName = "SLNet::Settings"
[docs]class QualityEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Quality estimator settings section. Properties: - size (int): size - expLight (Point3): expLight - expDark (Point3): expDark - expBlur (Point3): expBlur - logGray (Point4): logGray - platt (Point2): coefficient platt """ sectionName = "QualityEstimator::Settings" @property def size(self) -> int: """ Getter for size Returns: size """ return self.getValueAsInt("size") @size.setter def size(self, value: int) -> None: """ Setter for size Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("size", value) @property def expLight(self) -> Point3: """ Getter for expLight Returns: expLight """ return Point3(*self.getValue("expLight")) @expLight.setter def expLight(self, value: Point3) -> None: """ Setter for expLight Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("expLight", value.asTuple()) @property def expDark(self) -> Point3: """ Getter for expDark Returns: expDark """ return Point3(*self.getValue("expDark")) @expDark.setter def expDark(self, value: Point3) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new expDark """ self.setValue("expDark", value.asTuple()) @property def logGray(self) -> Point4: """ Getter for logGray Returns: logGray """ return Point4(*self.getValue("logGray")) @logGray.setter def logGray(self, value: Point4) -> None: """ Setter for logGray Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("logGray", value.asTuple()) @property def expBlur(self) -> Point3: """ Getter for expBlur Returns: expBlur """ return Point3(*self.getValue("expBlur")) @expBlur.setter def expBlur(self, value: Point3) -> None: """ Setter for expBlur Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("expBlur", value.asTuple()) @property def platt(self) -> Point2: """ Getter for platt Returns: platt """ return Point2(*self.getValue("platt")) @platt.setter def platt(self, value: Point2) -> None: """ Setter for platt Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("platt", value.asTuple())
[docs]class HeadPoseEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Head pose estimator settings section. Properties: - useEstimationByImage (bool): use head pose estimation by image - useEstimationByLandmarks (bool): use head pose estimation by landmarks """ sectionName = "HeadPoseEstimator::Settings" @property def useEstimationByImage(self) -> bool: """ Getter for useEstimationByImage Returns: useEstimationByImage """ return bool(self.getValueAsInt("useEstimationByImage")) @useEstimationByImage.setter def useEstimationByImage(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for useEstimationByImage Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("useEstimationByImage", int(value)) @property def useEstimationByLandmarks(self) -> bool: """ Getter for useEstimationByLandmarks Returns: useEstimationByLandmarks """ return bool(self.getValueAsInt("useEstimationByLandmarks")) @useEstimationByLandmarks.setter def useEstimationByLandmarks(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for useEstimationByLandmarks Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("useEstimationByLandmarks", int(value))
[docs]class EyeEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Eyes estimator settings section. Properties: - useStatusPlan (bool): use status plan or not. """ sectionName = "EyeEstimator::Settings" @property def useStatusPlan(self) -> bool: """ Getter for useStatusPlan Returns: useStatusPlan """ return bool(self.getValueAsInt("useStatusPlan")) @useStatusPlan.setter def useStatusPlan(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for useStatusPlan Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("useStatusPlan", int(value))
[docs]class AttributeEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Attribute estimator settings section. Properties: - genderThreshold (float): gender threshold in [0..1] range - adultThreshold (float): adult threshold in [0..1] range """ sectionName = "AttributeEstimator::Settings" @property def genderThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for genderThreshold Returns: genderThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("genderThreshold") @genderThreshold.setter def genderThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for genderThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("genderThreshold", value) @property def adultThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for adultThreshold Returns: adultThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("adultThreshold") @adultThreshold.setter def adultThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for adultThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("adultThreshold", value)
[docs]class GlassesEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ Glasses estimator settings section. Properties: - noGlassesThreshold (float): no glasses threshold in [0..1] range - eyeGlassesThreshold (float): eye glasses threshold in [0..1] range - sunGlassesThreshold (float): sun glasses threshold in [0..1] range """ sectionName = "GlassesEstimator::Settings" @property def noGlassesThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for noGlassesThreshold Returns: noGlassesThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("noGlassesThreshold") @noGlassesThreshold.setter def noGlassesThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for noGlassesThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("noGlassesThreshold", value) @property def eyeGlassesThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for eyeGlassesThreshold Returns: eyeGlassesThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("eyeGlassesThreshold") @eyeGlassesThreshold.setter def eyeGlassesThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for eyeGlassesThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("eyeGlassesThreshold", value) @property def sunGlassesThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for sunGlassesThreshold Returns: sunGlassesThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("sunGlassesThreshold") @sunGlassesThreshold.setter def sunGlassesThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for sunGlassesThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("sunGlassesThreshold", value)
[docs]class OverlapEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ OverlapThreshold any object settings section. Properties: - overlapThreshold (float): overlap threshold for any object in [0..1] range """ sectionName = "OverlapEstimator::Settings" @property def overlapThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for overlapThreshold Returns: overlapThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("overlapThreshold") @overlapThreshold.setter def overlapThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for overlapThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("overlapThreshold", value)
[docs]class ChildEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ childThreshold settings section. Properties: - childThreshold (float): if estimate value less than threshold object is a children. """ sectionName = "ChildEstimator::Settings" @property def childThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for childThreshold Returns: childThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("childThreshold") @childThreshold.setter def childThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for childThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("childThreshold", value)
[docs]class LivenessIREstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ LivenessIREstimator settings section. Properties: - cooperativeMode (bool): whether liveness is checking in cooperative mode - irCooperativeThreshold (float): liveness threshold for cooperative mode in [0..1] range - irNonCooperativeThreshold (float): liveness threshold for non cooperative mode in [0..1] range """ sectionName = "LivenessIREstimator::Settings" @property def cooperativeMode(self) -> bool: """ Getter for cooperativeMode Returns: cooperativeMode """ return bool(self.getValueAsInt("cooperativeMode")) @cooperativeMode.setter def cooperativeMode(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for cooperativeMode Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("cooperativeMode", int(value)) @property def irCooperativeThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for irCooperativeThreshold Returns: irCooperativeThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("irCooperativeThreshold") @irCooperativeThreshold.setter def irCooperativeThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for irCooperativeThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("irCooperativeThreshold", value) @property def irNonCooperativeThreshold(self) -> float: """ Getter for irNonCooperativeThreshold Returns: irNonCooperativeThreshold """ return self.getValueAsFloat("irNonCooperativeThreshold") @irNonCooperativeThreshold.setter def irNonCooperativeThreshold(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for irNonCooperativeThreshold Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("irNonCooperativeThreshold", value)
[docs]class HeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorSettings(BaseSettingsSection): """ HeadAndShouldersLiveness settings section. Properties: - shouldersHeightKoeff (float): shouldersHeightKoeff - shouldersWidthKoeff (float): shouldersWidthKoeff - headWidthKoeff (float): headWidthKoeff - headHeightKoeff (float): headHeightKoeff """ sectionName = "HeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator::Settings" @property def headWidthKoeff(self) -> float: """ Getter for betaMode Returns: betaMode """ return self.getValueAsFloat("headWidthKoeff") @headWidthKoeff.setter def headWidthKoeff(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("headWidthKoeff", value) @property def headHeightKoeff(self) -> float: """ Getter for betaMode Returns: betaMode """ return self.getValueAsFloat("headHeightKoeff") @headHeightKoeff.setter def headHeightKoeff(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("headHeightKoeff", value) @property def shouldersWidthKoeff(self) -> float: """ Getter for betaMode Returns: betaMode """ return self.getValueAsFloat("shouldersWidthKoeff") @shouldersWidthKoeff.setter def shouldersWidthKoeff(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("shouldersWidthKoeff", value) @property def shouldersHeightKoeff(self) -> float: """ Getter for betaMode Returns: betaMode """ return self.getValueAsFloat("shouldersHeightKoeff") @shouldersHeightKoeff.setter def shouldersHeightKoeff(self, value: float) -> None: """ Setter for descriptorCountWarningLevel Args: value: new value """ self.setValue("shouldersHeightKoeff", value)
[docs]class SettingsProvider: """ SDK Setting provider. Proxy model. Attributes: pathToConfig (str): path to a configuration file. Config file is getting from the folder'data' in "FSDK_ROOT". _coreSettingProvider () """ def __init__(self, pathToConfig: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None): """ Init. Args: pathToConfig: path to config. Raises: ValueError: if pathToConfig is None and environment variable *FSDK_ROOT* does not set. """ if pathToConfig is None: if "FSDK_ROOT" in os.environ: self.pathToConfig = Path(os.environ["FSDK_ROOT"]).joinpath("data", "faceengine.conf") else: raise ValueError("Failed on path to faceengine luna data folder, set variable pathToData or set" "environment variable *FSDK_ROOT*") elif isinstance(pathToConfig, str): self.pathToConfig = Path(pathToConfig) else: self.pathToConfig = pathToConfig # todo: check existance self._coreSettingProvider = CoreFE.createSettingsProvider(str(self.pathToConfig)) @property def systemSettings(self) -> SystemSettings: """ Getter for system settings section. Returns: Mutable system section """ return SystemSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def flowerSettings(self) -> FlowerSettings: """ Getter for flower settings section. Returns: Mutable flower section """ return FlowerSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def descriptorFactorySettings(self) -> DescriptorFactorySettings: """ Getter for descriptor factory settings section. Returns: Mutable descriptor factory section """ return DescriptorFactorySettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def faceDetV3Settings(self) -> FaceDetV3Settings: """ Getter for FaceDetV3 settings section. Returns: Mutable FaceDetV3 section """ return FaceDetV3Settings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def faceDetV1Settings(self) -> FaceDetV1Settings: """ Getter for FaceDetV1 settings section. Returns: Mutable FaceDetV1 section """ return FaceDetV1Settings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def faceDetV2Settings(self) -> FaceDetV2Settings: """ Getter for FaceDetV2 settings section. Returns: Mutable FaceDetV2 section """ return FaceDetV2Settings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def LNetSettings(self): """ Getter for LNet settings section. Returns: Mutable LNet section """ return LNetSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def LNetIRSettings(self) -> LNetIRSettings: """ Getter for LNetIR settings section. Returns: Mutable LNetIR section """ return LNetIRSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def SLNetSettings(self) -> SLNetSettings: """ Getter for SLNet settings section. Returns: Mutable SLNet section """ return SLNetSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def qualityEstimatorSettings(self) -> QualityEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for QualityEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable QualityEstimator section """ return QualityEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def headPoseEstimatorSettings(self) -> HeadPoseEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for HeadPoseEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable HeadPoseEstimator section """ return HeadPoseEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def eyeEstimatorSettings(self) -> EyeEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for EyeEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable EyeEstimator section """ return EyeEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def attributeEstimatorSettings(self) -> AttributeEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for AttributeEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable AttributeEstimator section """ return AttributeEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def glassesEstimatorSettings(self) -> GlassesEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for GlassesEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable GlassesEstimator section """ return GlassesEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def overlapEstimatorSettings(self) -> OverlapEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for OverlapEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable OverlapEstimator section """ return OverlapEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def childEstimatorSettings(self) -> ChildEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for ChildEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable ChildEstimator section """ return ChildEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def livenessIREstimatorSettings(self) -> LivenessIREstimatorSettings: """ Getter for LivenessIREstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable LivenessIREstimator section """ return LivenessIREstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def headAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorSettings(self) -> HeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorSettings: """ Getter for HeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator settings section. Returns: Mutable HeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimator section """ return HeadAndShouldersLivenessEstimatorSettings(self._coreSettingProvider) @property def coreProvider(self) -> PyISettingsProvider: return self._coreSettingProvider