Source code for lunavl.sdk.faceengine.facedetector

Module contains function for detection faces on images.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Union, List, NamedTuple, Dict

from FaceEngine import DetectionFloat, FSDKError  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import Landmarks5 as CoreLandmarks5  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import Landmarks68 as CoreLandmarks68  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import DetectionType, Face  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import dt5Landmarks, dt68Landmarks  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.base_estimation import BaseEstimation

from ..errors.errors import LunaVLError
from ..errors.exceptions import LunaSDKException, CoreExceptionWarp
from ..image_utils.geometry import Rect, Landmarks
from ..image_utils.image import VLImage, ColorFormat

[docs]class ImageForDetection(NamedTuple): """ Structure for the transfer to detector an image and detect an area. Attributes image (VLImage): image for detection detectArea (Rect[float]): """ image: VLImage detectArea: Rect[float]
[docs]class Landmarks5(Landmarks): """ Landmarks5 """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreLandmark5: CoreLandmarks5): """ Init Args: coreLandmark5: core landmarks """ super().__init__(coreLandmark5)
[docs]class Landmarks68(Landmarks): """ Landmarks68 """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreLandmark68: CoreLandmarks68): """ Init Args: coreLandmark68: core landmarks """ super().__init__(coreLandmark68)
[docs]class BoundingBox(BaseEstimation): """ Detection bounding box, it is characterized of rect and score: - rect (Rect[float]): face bounding box - score (float): face score (0,1), detection score is the measure of classification confidence and not the source image quality. It may be used topick the most "*confident*" face of many. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, boundingBox: DetectionFloat): """ Init. Args: boundingBox: core bounding box """ super().__init__(boundingBox) @property def score(self) -> float: """ Get score Returns: number in range [0,1] """ return self._coreEstimation.score @property def rect(self) -> Rect[float]: """ Get rect. Returns: float rect """ return Rect.fromCoreRect(self._coreEstimation.rect)
[docs] def asDict(self) -> dict: """ Convert to dict. Returns: {"rect": self.rect, "score": self.score} """ return {"rect": self.rect.asDict(), "score": self.score}
[docs]class FaceDetection(BaseEstimation): """ Attributes: boundingBox (BoundingBox): face bounding box landmarks5 (Optional[Landmarks5]): optional landmarks5 landmarks68 (Optional[Landmarks68]): optional landmarks5 _image (VLImage): source of detection """ __slots__ = ("boundingBox", "landmarks5", "landmarks68", "_coreDetection", "_image", "_emotions", "_quality", "_mouthState") def __init__(self, coreDetection: Face, image: VLImage): """ Init. Args: coreDetection: core detection """ super().__init__(coreDetection) self.boundingBox = BoundingBox(coreDetection.detection) if coreDetection.landmarks5_opt.isValid(): self.landmarks5: Optional[Landmarks5] = Landmarks5(coreDetection.landmarks5_opt.value()) else: self.landmarks5: Optional[Landmarks5] = None if coreDetection.landmarks68_opt.isValid(): self.landmarks68: Optional[Landmarks68] = Landmarks68(coreDetection.landmarks68_opt.value()) else: self.landmarks68: Optional[Landmarks68] = None self._image = image self._emotions = None self._quality = None self._mouthState = None @property def image(self) -> VLImage: """ Get source of detection. Returns: source image """ return self._image
[docs] def asDict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[dict, list]]: """ Convert face detection to dict (json). Returns: dict. required keys: 'rect', 'score'. optional keys: 'landmarks5', 'landmarks68' """ res = {"rect": self.boundingBox.rect.asDict(), "score": self.boundingBox.score} if self.landmarks5 is not None: res["landmarks5"] = [point.asDict() for point in self.landmarks5.points] if self.landmarks68 is not None: res["landmarks68"] = [point.asDict() for point in self.landmarks68.points] # TODO: may be nullable landmarks5? return res
[docs]class FaceDetector: """ Face detector. Attributes: _detector (IDetectorPtr): core detector """ __slots__ = ["_detector", "detectorType"] def __init__(self, detectorPtr, detectorType: DetectionType): self._detector = detectorPtr self.detectorType = detectorType @staticmethod def _getDetectionType(detect5Landmarks: bool = True, detect68Landmarks: bool = False) -> DetectionType: """ Get core detection type Args: detect5Landmarks: detect or not landmarks5 detect68Landmarks: detect or not landmarks68 Returns: detection type """ toDetect = 0 if detect5Landmarks: toDetect = toDetect | dt5Landmarks if detect68Landmarks: toDetect = toDetect | dt68Landmarks return DetectionType(toDetect)
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.DetectOneFaceError) def detectOne(self, image: VLImage, detectArea: Optional[Rect[float]] = None, detect5Landmarks: bool = True, detect68Landmarks: bool = False) -> Union[None, FaceDetection]: """ Detect just one best detection on the image. Args: image: image. Format must be R8G8B8 (todo check) detectArea: rectangle area which contains face to detect. If not set will be set image.rect detect5Landmarks: detect or not landmarks5 detect68Landmarks: detect or not landmarks68 Returns: face detection if face is found otherwise None Raises: LunaSDKException: if detectOne is failed or image format has wrong the format """ if image.format != ColorFormat.R8G8B8: details = "Bad image format for detection, format: {}, image: {}".format(image.format.value, image.filename) raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.InvalidImageFormat.detalize(details)) if detectArea is None: _detectArea = image.coreImage.getRect() else: _detectArea = detectArea.coreRect error, detectRes = self._detector.detectOne(image.coreImage, _detectArea, self._getDetectionType(detect5Landmarks, detect68Landmarks)) if error.isError: if error.FSDKError == FSDKError.BufferIsEmpty: return None raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) coreDetection = detectRes return FaceDetection(coreDetection, image)
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.DetectFacesError) def detect(self, images: List[Union[VLImage, ImageForDetection]], limit: int = 5, detect5Landmarks: bool = True, detect68Landmarks: bool = False) -> List[List[FaceDetection]]: """ Batch detect faces on images. Args: images: input images list. Format must be R8G8B8 limit: max number of detections per input image detect5Landmarks: detect or not landmarks5 detect68Landmarks: detect or not landmarks68 Returns: return list of lists detection, order of detection lists is corresponding to order input images Raises: LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.InvalidImageFormat): if any image has bad format or detect is failed """ imgs = [] detectAreas = [] for image in images: if isinstance(image, VLImage): img = image detectAreas.append(image.coreImage.getRect()) else: img = image.image detectAreas.append(image.detectArea.coreRect) if img.format != ColorFormat.R8G8B8: details = "Bad image format for detection, format {}, img {}".format(img.format.value, img.filename) raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.InvalidImageFormat.detalize(details)) imgs.append(img.coreImage) error, detectRes = self._detector.detect(imgs, detectAreas, limit, self._getDetectionType(detect5Landmarks, detect68Landmarks)) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) res = [] for numberImage, imageDetections in enumerate(detectRes): res.append([FaceDetection(coreDetection, images[numberImage]) for coreDetection in imageDetections]) return res
[docs] def redetectOne(self): """ todo: wtf Returns: """ pass
[docs] def redect(self): """ todo: wtf Returns: """ pass
[docs] def setDetectionComparer(self): """ todo: wtf Returns: """ pass