Source code for lunavl.sdk.faceengine.descriptors

Module contains a face descriptor estimator

See `face descriptor`_.

from collections import Iterator
from typing import Dict, List
from typing import Union, Optional

from FaceEngine import IDescriptorPtr, IDescriptorBatchPtr  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401

from lunavl.sdk.errors.errors import LunaVLError
from lunavl.sdk.errors.exceptions import LunaSDKException, CoreExceptionWarp
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.base_estimation import BaseEstimation

[docs]class FaceDescriptor(BaseEstimation): """ Descriptor Attributes: garbageScore (float): garbage score """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimation: IDescriptorPtr, garbageScore: float = 0.0): super().__init__(coreEstimation) self.garbageScore = garbageScore
[docs] def asDict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[float, bytes]]: """ Convert to dict Returns: Dict with keys "descriptor" and "score" """ return {"descriptor": self.coreEstimation.getData(), "score": self.garbageScore}
@property def rawDescriptor(self) -> bytes: """ Get raw descriptors Returns: bytes with metadata """ error, descBytes = if error.isError(): raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) return descBytes @property def asVector(self) -> List[int]: """ Convert descriptor to list of ints Returns: list of ints. """ return self.coreEstimation.getDescriptor() @property def asBytes(self) -> bytes: """ Get descriptor as bytes. Returns: """ return self.coreEstimation.getData() @property def model(self) -> int: """ Get model of descriptor Returns: model version """ return self.coreEstimation.getModelVersion()
[docs]class FaceDescriptorBatch(BaseEstimation): """ Face descriptor batch. Attributes: scores (List[float]): list of garbage scores """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimation: IDescriptorBatchPtr, scores: Optional[List[float]] = None): super().__init__(coreEstimation) if scores is None: self.scores = [0.0 for _ in range(coreEstimation.getMaxCount())] else: self.scores = scores def __len__(self) -> int: """ Get batch size. Returns: batch size """ return self._coreEstimation.getMaxCount()
[docs] def asDict(self) -> List[Dict]: """ Get batch in json like object. Returns: list of descriptors dict """ return [descriptor.asDict() for descriptor in self]
def __getitem__(self, i) -> FaceDescriptor: """ Get descriptor by index Args: i: index Returns: descriptor """ return FaceDescriptor(self._coreEstimation.getDescriptorFast(i), self.scores[i]) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: """ Iterator by by batch. Returns: iterator by descriptors. """ itemCount = self._coreEstimation.getMaxCount() for index in range(itemCount): yield FaceDescriptor(self._coreEstimation.getDescriptorFast(index), self.scores[index])
[docs] def append(self, descriptor: FaceDescriptor) -> None: """ Add descriptor to end of batch. Args: descriptor: descriptor """ self.coreEstimation.add(descriptor.coreEstimation) self.scores.append(descriptor.garbageScore)
[docs]class FaceDescriptorFactory: """ Face Descriptor factory. Attributes: _faceEngine (VLFaceEngine): faceEngine """ def __init__(self, faceEngine: 'VLFaceEngine'): self._faceEngine = faceEngine
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.CreationDescriptorError) def generateDescriptor(self) -> IDescriptorPtr: """ Generate core descriptor Returns: core descriptor """ return FaceDescriptor(self._faceEngine.coreFaceEngine.createDescriptor())
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.CreationDescriptorError) def generateDescriptorsBatch(self, size: int) -> IDescriptorBatchPtr: """ Generate core descriptors batch. Args: size:batch size Returns: batch """ return FaceDescriptorBatch(self._faceEngine.coreFaceEngine.createDescriptorBatch(size))