Source code for lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.warper

"""Module for creating warped images
from typing import Union, Optional

from lunavl.sdk.errors.errors import LunaVLError
from lunavl.sdk.errors.exceptions import LunaSDKException, CoreExceptionWarp
from import array

from lunavl.sdk.faceengine.facedetector import FaceDetection, Landmarks68, Landmarks5
from lunavl.sdk.image_utils.image import VLImage
from FaceEngine import IWarperPtr, Transformation  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import Image as CoreImage  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401

[docs]class WarpedImage(VLImage): """ Raw warped image. Properties of a warped image: - its size is always 250x250 pixels - it's always in RGB color format - it always contains just a single face - the face is always centered and rotated so that imaginary line between the eyes is horizontal. """ def __init__(self, body: Union[bytes, array, CoreImage], filename: str = "", vlImage: Optional[VLImage] = None): """ Init. Args: body: body of image - bytes numpy array or core image filename: user mark a source of image vlImage: source is vl image. """ if vlImage is None: super().__init__(body, filename=filename) self.assertWarp() else: self.source = vlImage.source self.filename = vlImage.filename self.coreImage = vlImage.coreImage
[docs] def assertWarp(self): """ Validate size and format Raises: ValueError("Bad image size for warped image"): if image has incorrect size ValueError("Bad image format for warped image, must be R8G8B8"): if image has incorrect format Warnings: this checks are not guarantee that image is warp. This function is intended for debug """ if self.rect.size.height != 250 or self.rect.width != 250: raise ValueError("Bad image size for warped image") if self.format != self.format.R8G8B8: raise ValueError("Bad image format for warped image, must be R8G8B8")
# pylint: disable=W0221
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, *_, filename: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None) -> 'WarpedImage': """ Load imag from numpy array or file or url. Args: *_: for remove positional argument filename: filename url: url Returns: warp """ warp = cls(body=b"", vlImage=VLImage.load(filename=filename, url=url)) warp.assertWarp() return warp
@property def warpedImage(self) -> 'WarpedImage': """ Property for compatibility with *Warp* for outside methods. Returns: self """ return self
[docs]class Warp: """ Structure for storing warp. Attributes: sourceDetection (FaceDetection): detection which generated warp warpedImage (WarpedImage): """ __slots__ = ["sourceDetection", "warpedImage"] def __init__(self, warpedImage: WarpedImage, sourceDetection: FaceDetection): """ Init. Args: warpedImage: warped image sourceDetection: detection which generated warp """ self.sourceDetection = sourceDetection self.warpedImage = warpedImage
[docs]class Warper: """ Class warper. Attributes: _coreWarper (IWarperPtr): core warper """ __slots__ = ["_coreWarper"] def __init__(self, coreWarper: IWarperPtr): """ Init. Args: coreWarper: core warper """ self._coreWarper = coreWarper @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.WarpTransformationError) def _createWarpTransformation(self, faceDetection: FaceDetection) -> Transformation: """ Create warp transformation. Args: faceDetection: face detection with landmarks5 Returns: transformation Raises: ValueError: if detection does not contain a landmarks5 """ if faceDetection.landmarks5 is None: raise ValueError("detection must contains landmarks5") return self._coreWarper.createTransformation(faceDetection.coreEstimation.detection, faceDetection.landmarks5.coreEstimation)
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.CreationWarpError) def warp(self, faceDetection: FaceDetection) -> Warp: """ Create warp from detection. Args: faceDetection: face detection with landmarks5 Returns: Warp Raises: LunaSDKException: if creation failed """ transformation = self._createWarpTransformation(faceDetection) error, warp = self._coreWarper.warp(faceDetection.image.coreImage, transformation) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) warpedImage = WarpedImage(body=warp, filename=faceDetection.image.filename) return Warp(warpedImage, faceDetection)
[docs] def makeWarpTransformationWithLandmarks(self, faceDetection: FaceDetection, typeLandmarks: str) -> Union[Landmarks68, Landmarks5]: """ Make warp transformation with landmarks Args: faceDetection: face detection with landmarks5 typeLandmarks: landmarks for warping ("L68" or "L5") Returns: warping landmarks Raises: ValueError: if landmarks5 is not estimated LunaSDKException: if transform failed """ transformation = self._createWarpTransformation(faceDetection) if typeLandmarks == "L68": error, warp = self._coreWarper.warp(faceDetection.landmarks68.coreEstimation, transformation) elif typeLandmarks == "L5": error, warp = self._coreWarper.warp(faceDetection.landmarks5.coreEstimation, transformation) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value of typeLandmarks, must be 'L68' or 'L5'") if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) if typeLandmarks == "L68": return Landmarks68(warp) return Landmarks5(warp)