Source code for lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.head_pose

Module contains a head pose estimator.

See `head pose`_.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict

from FaceEngine import IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr, HeadPoseEstimation, FrontalFaceType  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from lunavl.sdk.errors.errors import LunaVLError
from lunavl.sdk.errors.exceptions import LunaSDKException, CoreExceptionWarp
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.base_estimation import BaseEstimation, BaseEstimator
from lunavl.sdk.faceengine.facedetector import Landmarks68, BoundingBox
from lunavl.sdk.image_utils.image import VLImage

[docs]class FrontalType(Enum): """ Enum for frontal types """ TURNED = "FrontalFace0" #: Non-frontal face FRONTAL = "FrontalFace1" #: Good for recognition; Doesn't descrease recall and looks fine BY_GOST = "FrontalFace2" #: GOST/ISO angles @classmethod def fromCoreFrontalType(cls, frontalFaceType: FrontalFaceType) -> 'FrontalType': """ Create frontal type by core frontal type Args: frontalFaceType: core frontal type Returns: frontal type """ frontalType = cls( return frontalType def __repr__(self): return self.value
[docs]class HeadPose(BaseEstimation): """ Head pose. Estimate Tait–Bryan angles for head (–Bryan_angles). Estimation properties: - pitch - roll - yaw """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreHeadPose: HeadPoseEstimation): """ Init. Args: coreHeadPose: core head pose estimation. """ super().__init__(coreHeadPose) @property def yaw(self) -> float: """ Get the yaw angle. Returns: float in range(0, 1) """ return self._coreEstimation.yaw @property def pitch(self) -> float: """ Get the pitch angle. Returns: float in range(0, 1) """ return self._coreEstimation.pitch @property def roll(self) -> float: """ Get the pitch angle. Returns: float in range(0, 1) """ return self._coreEstimation.roll
[docs] def asDict(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Convert angles to dict. Returns: {"pitch": self.pitch, "roll": self.roll, "yaw": self.yaw} """ return {"pitch": self.pitch, "roll": self.roll, "yaw": self.yaw}
[docs] def getFrontalType(self) -> FrontalType: """ Get frontal type of head pose estimation. Returns: frontal type """ return FrontalType.fromCoreFrontalType(self._coreEstimation.getFrontalFaceType())
[docs]class HeadPoseEstimator(BaseEstimator): """ HeadPoseEstimator. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreHeadPoseEstimator: IHeadPoseEstimatorPtr): """ Init. Args: coreHeadPoseEstimator: core estimator """ super().__init__(coreHeadPoseEstimator)
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.EstimationAGSError) def estimateBy68Landmarks(self, landmarks68: Landmarks68) -> HeadPose: """ Estimate head pose by 68 landmarks. Args: landmarks68: landmarks68 Returns: estimate head pose Raises: LunaSDKException: if estimation is failed """ error, headPoseEstimation = self._coreEstimator.estimate(landmarks68.coreEstimation) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) return HeadPose(headPoseEstimation)
# pylint: disable=W0221
[docs] def estimate(self, landmarks68: Landmarks68) -> HeadPose: """ Realize interface of a abstract estimator. Call estimateBy68Landmarks """ return self.estimateBy68Landmarks(landmarks68)
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.EstimationHeadPoseError) def estimateByBoundingBox(self, detection: BoundingBox, imageWithDetection: VLImage) -> HeadPose: """ Estimate head pose by detection. Args: detection: detection bounding box imageWithDetection: image with the detection. Returns: estimate head pose Raises: LunaSDKException: if estimation is failed """ error, headPoseEstimation = self._coreEstimator.estimate(imageWithDetection.coreImage, detection.coreEstimation) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) return HeadPose(headPoseEstimation)