Source code for lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.eyes

Module contains a mouth state estimator

See `eyes`_ and `gaze direction`_.

from enum import Enum
from typing import Union

from FaceEngine import IEyeEstimatorPtr, EyeCropper, IGazeEstimatorPtr  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import EyelidLandmarks as CoreEyelidLandmarks  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import IrisLandmarks as CoreIrisLandmarks  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import State as CoreEyeState, EyesEstimation as CoreEyesEstimation  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from FaceEngine import EyeAngles, GazeEstimation as CoreGazeEstimation   # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from lunavl.sdk.errors.errors import LunaVLError
from lunavl.sdk.errors.exceptions import CoreExceptionWarp, LunaSDKException

from lunavl.sdk.estimators.base_estimation import BaseEstimation, BaseEstimator
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.head_pose import HeadPose
from lunavl.sdk.faceengine.facedetector import Landmarks5, Landmarks68

from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.warper import Warp, WarpedImage
from lunavl.sdk.image_utils.geometry import Landmarks

[docs]class EyeState(Enum): """ Enum for eye states. """ #: eye is opened Open = 1 #: eye is occluded Occluded = 2 #: eye is closed Closed = 3 @staticmethod def fromCoreEmotion(coreEyeState: CoreEyeState) -> 'EyeState': """ Get enum element by core emotion. Args: coreEyeState: an eye state form core Returns: corresponding eye state """ return getattr(EyeState,
[docs]class IrisLandmarks(Landmarks): """ Eyelid landmarks. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreIrisLandmarks: CoreIrisLandmarks): """ Init Args: coreIrisLandmarks: core iris landmarks """ super().__init__(coreIrisLandmarks)
[docs]class EyelidLandmarks(Landmarks): """ Eyelid landmarks. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEyelidLandmarks: CoreEyelidLandmarks): """ Init Args: coreEyelidLandmarks: core eyelid landmarks """ super().__init__(coreEyelidLandmarks)
[docs]class Eye(BaseEstimation): """ Eye structure. Estimation properties: - eyelid - iris """ __slots__ = ("irisLandmarks", "eyelidLandMarks", "state") # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimation): """ Init. Args: coreEstimation: core estimation """ super().__init__(coreEstimation) self.irisLandmarks = IrisLandmarks(self._coreEstimation.iris) self.eyelidLandMarks = EyelidLandmarks(self._coreEstimation.eyelid) self.state = EyeState.fromCoreEmotion(self._coreEstimation.state) @property def eyelid(self) -> EyelidLandmarks: """ Get eyelid landmarks. Returns: eyelid landmarks """ return self.eyelidLandMarks @property def iris(self) -> IrisLandmarks: """ Get iris landmarks. Returns: iris landmarks """ return self.irisLandmarks
[docs] def asDict(self) -> dict: """ Convert to dict. Returns: {"iris_landmarks": self.irisLandmarks.asDict(), "eyelid_landmarks": self.eyelidLandMarks.asDict(), "state":} """ return {"iris_landmarks": self.irisLandmarks.asDict(), "eyelid_landmarks": self.eyelidLandMarks.asDict(), "state":}
[docs]class EyesEstimation(BaseEstimation): """ Eyes estimation structure. Attributes: leftEye (Eye): estimation for left eye rightEye (Eye): estimation for right eye """ __slots__ = ("leftEye", "rightEye") def __init__(self, coreEstimation: CoreEyesEstimation): """ Init. Args: coreEstimation: core estimation """ super().__init__(coreEstimation) self.leftEye = Eye(coreEstimation.leftEye) self.rightEye = Eye(coreEstimation.rightEye)
[docs] def asDict(self) -> dict: """ Convert to dict. Returns: {'yaw': self.leftEye, 'pitch': self.rightEye} """ return {"left_eye": self.leftEye.asDict(), "right_eye": self.rightEye.asDict()}
[docs]class EyeEstimator(BaseEstimator): """ Eye estimator. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimator: IEyeEstimatorPtr): """ Init. Args: coreEstimator: core estimator """ super().__init__(coreEstimator) # pylint: disable=W0221
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.EstimationEyesGazeError) def estimate(self, transformedLandmarks: Union[Landmarks5, Landmarks68], warp: Union[Warp, WarpedImage]) -> EyesEstimation: """ Estimate mouth state on warp. Args: warp: warped image transformedLandmarks: transformed landmarks Returns: estimated states Raises: LunaSDKException: if estimation failed """ cropper = EyeCropper() if isinstance(transformedLandmarks, Landmarks5): eyeRects = cropper.cropByLandmarks5(warp.warpedImage.coreImage, transformedLandmarks.coreEstimation) else: eyeRects = cropper.cropByLandmarks68(warp.warpedImage.coreImage, transformedLandmarks.coreEstimation) error, eyesEstimation = self._coreEstimator.estimate(warp.warpedImage.coreImage, eyeRects) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) return EyesEstimation(eyesEstimation)
[docs]class GazeDirection(BaseEstimation): """ Gaze direction structure. Estimation properties: - yaw - pitch """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimation: EyeAngles): """ Init. """ super().__init__(coreEstimation) @property def yaw(self) -> float: """ Get the yaw angle. Returns: float in range(0, 1) """ return self._coreEstimation.yaw @property def pitch(self) -> float: """ Get the pitch angle. Returns: float in range(0, 1) """ return self._coreEstimation.pitch
[docs] def asDict(self) -> dict: """ Convert to dict. Returns: {'yaw': self.yaw, 'pitch': self.pitch} """ return {'yaw': self.yaw, 'pitch': self.pitch}
[docs]class GazeEstimation(BaseEstimation): """ Gaze estimation. Attributes: leftEye (GazeDirection): left eye gaze direction rightEye (GazeDirection): right eye gaze direction """ __slots__ = ("leftEye", "rightEye") def __init__(self, coreEstimation: CoreGazeEstimation): """ Init. Args: coreEstimation: core estimation """ super().__init__(coreEstimation) self.leftEye = GazeDirection(coreEstimation.leftEye) self.rightEye = GazeDirection(coreEstimation.rightEye)
[docs] def asDict(self) -> dict: """ Convert self to a dict. Returns: {"left_eye": self.leftEye.asDict(), "right_eye": self.rightEye.asDict()} """ return {"left_eye": self.leftEye.asDict(), "right_eye": self.rightEye.asDict()}
[docs]class GazeEstimator(BaseEstimator): """ Gaze direction estimator. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimator: IGazeEstimatorPtr): """ Init. Args: coreEstimator: core estimator """ super().__init__(coreEstimator) # pylint: disable=W0221
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.EstimationEyesGazeError) def estimate(self, headPose: HeadPose, eyesEstimation: EyesEstimation) -> GazeEstimation: """ Estimate a gaze direction Args: headPose: head pose (calculated using landmarks68) eyesEstimation: eyes estimation Returns: estimated states Raises: LunaSDKException: if estimation failed """ error, gaze = self._coreEstimator.estimate(headPose.coreEstimation, eyesEstimation.coreEstimation) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) return GazeEstimation(gaze)