Source code for lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.emotions

"""Module contains an emotion estimator

See emotions_.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union

from FaceEngine import IEmotionsEstimatorPtr, Emotions as CoreEmotions  # pylint: disable=E0611,E0401
from lunavl.sdk.errors.errors import LunaVLError
from lunavl.sdk.errors.exceptions import CoreExceptionWarp, LunaSDKException

from lunavl.sdk.estimators.base_estimation import BaseEstimation, BaseEstimator
from lunavl.sdk.estimators.face_estimators.warper import Warp, WarpedImage

[docs]class Emotion(Enum): """ Emotions enum """ #: Anger Anger = 1 #: Disgust Disgust = 2 #: Fear Fear = 3 #: Happiness Happiness = 4 #: Neutral Neutral = 5 #: Sadness Sadness = 6 #: Surprise Surprise = 7 @staticmethod def fromCoreEmotion(coreEmotion: CoreEmotions) -> 'Emotion': """ Get enum element by core emotion. Args: coreEmotion: Returns: corresponding emotion """ return getattr(Emotion,
[docs]class Emotions(BaseEstimation): """ Container for storing estimate emotions. List of emotions is represented in enum Emotion. Each emotion is characterized a score (value in range [0,1]). Sum of all scores is equal to 1. Predominate emotion is emotion with max value of score. Estimation properties: - anger - disgust - fear - happiness - sadness - surprise - neutral - predominateEmotion """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEmotions): """ Init. Args: coreEmotions: estimation from core """ super().__init__(coreEmotions)
[docs] def asDict(self): """ Convert estimation to dict. Returns: dict with keys 'predominate_emotion' and 'estimations' """ return {'predominant_emotion':, 'estimations': { 'anger': self.anger, 'disgust': self.disgust, 'fear': self.fear, 'happiness': self.happiness, 'sadness': self.sadness, 'surprise': self.surprise, 'neutral': self.neutral, }}
@property def anger(self) -> float: """ Get anger emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.anger @property def disgust(self): """ Get disgust emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.disgust @property def fear(self): """ Get fear emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.fear @property def happiness(self): """ Get happiness emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.happiness @property def sadness(self): """ Get sadness emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.sadness @property def surprise(self): """ Get surprise emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.surprise @property def neutral(self): """ Get neutral emotion value. Returns: value in range [0, 1] """ return self._coreEstimation.neutral @property def predominateEmotion(self) -> Emotion: """ Get predominate emotion (emotion with max score value). Returns: emotion with max score value """ return Emotion.fromCoreEmotion(self._coreEstimation.getPredominantEmotion())
[docs]class EmotionsEstimator(BaseEstimator): """ Emotions estimator. """ # pylint: disable=W0235 def __init__(self, coreEstimator: IEmotionsEstimatorPtr): """ Init. Args: coreEstimator: core estimator """ super().__init__(coreEstimator) # pylint: disable=W0221
[docs] @CoreExceptionWarp(LunaVLError.EstimationEmotionsError) def estimate(self, warp: Union[Warp, WarpedImage]) -> Emotions: """ Estimate emotion on warp. Args: warp: warped image Returns: estimated emotions Raises: LunaSDKException: if estimation failed """ error, emotions = self._coreEstimator.estimate(warp.warpedImage.coreImage) if error.isError: raise LunaSDKException(LunaVLError.fromSDKError(error)) return Emotions(emotions)