Source code for lunavl.sdk.estimators.base_estimation

Module with base classes of estimators and estimations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union, Any

[docs]class BaseEstimation(ABC): """ Base class for estimation structures. Attributes: _coreEstimation: core estimation """ __slots__ = ("_coreEstimation",) def __init__(self, coreEstimation): self._coreEstimation = coreEstimation @property def coreEstimation(self): """ Get core estimation from init Returns: _coreEstimation """ return self._coreEstimation
[docs] @abstractmethod def asDict(self) -> Union[dict, list]: """ Convert to a dict. Returns: dict from luna api """ pass
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Representation. Returns: str(self.asDict()) """ return str(self.asDict())
[docs]class BaseEstimator(ABC): """ Base estimator class. Class is a container for core estimations. Mostly estimate attributes can be get through a corresponding properties. Attributes: _coreEstimator: core estimator """ __slots__ = ('_coreEstimator',) def __init__(self, coreEstimator): """ Init. Args: coreEstimator: core estimator """ self._coreEstimator = coreEstimator
[docs] @abstractmethod def estimate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Estimate attributes on warp. Returns: estimated attributes """ pass